This proof of concept of the multi touch system not using IR technology and using the human eye viable spectrum 400nm-700mn. shadows from light(s) within the box will be capture on the 'glass surface' via the web cam. The Surface will need to use a diffuser with the correct oipacness to allow object (like fingers) to be recognized. This information will be process by a computer to do cool things.
Phase 1: Research Gather Supplies needed
Items needed cost comments 2 usb webcams $10 found on woot 2 Glass/plexi $8 got from hardware store 2 Boxes free have them Diffuser free bought from hobbie lobbie Projector N/A don't need IR gear N/A don't need
Phase 2 Design/Build
Phase 3 Test Hardware/Software Setup
web cams are installed and have been calibrated (aligned and focused)
Software Calibration done (tbeta)
Phase 4 Develop Software
Successfully ran Photo Demo software
Phase 5 Review Improvements for next version
Improvement to current design